Sub-division :- Algae

Class :- Chlorophyceae

Order :-  Chaetophorales

Family :- Coleochaetaceae

Genus :- Coleochaete

Coleochaete sp. Discoid thallus


  • Thallus is multicellular and heterotrichous. 
  • It is either a disc-like structure ip. majority of the species (e.g. c. scutata) or cushionoid or filamentous (e.g. c. pulvinata) in others. 
  • It thallus is disc-like, the disc represents only the prostrate system while a few setae or hair, represent erect system.
  • Filamentous thallus exhibits typical heterotrichous habit with a branched prostrate system and a branched projecting (erect) system.
  • In both the cases a few cells possess a cytoplasmic outgrowth-setae. Setae are surrounded partly or wholly by a gelatinous sheath at the base. 
  • The thallus is distinctly enveloped by a gelatinous sheath or mucilage.
  • In discoid species cells of the thallus are joined end to end to form branches. These branches are laterally apposed to one another to form a pseudoparenchymatous disc.
  • Each cell is uninucleate. It has single, large, laminate and parietal chloroplast with a single pyrenoid. Rest of the cell is occupied by the cytoplasm.
Coleochaete sp. Cushionoid thallus


Coleochaete sp. Thallus bearing antheridia.
  • Thalli may be homothallic or heterothallic. 
  • Sexual reproduction is oogamous.
  • Antheridia are generally borne at the tips in filamentous species and in the middle or peripheral region in the discoid species.
  • Anteridia appear as a group of small cells. 
  • Oogonia are also borne terminally in filamentous species and towards periphery in the discoid species. 
  • Oogonium is a flask-shaped structure with long tubular trichogyne. 
  • The fertilization results in the formation of a zygote which remains embedded inside the wall of the oogonium. It is a thick walled structure. 
  • Zygote known as spermocarp remains enveloped in a parenchymatous tissue formed by the development of neighbouring cells. It is conspicuously reddish-brown in colour. 
  • Spermocarp remains dormant for a long period.
Coleochaete sp. Thallus with sperrnocarps


  1. Sub-division– Algae
    1. Presence of a simple thallus.
    2. Chlorophyll present
    3. Cell wall made of cellulose.
  2. Class – Chlorophyceae
    1. Presence of a definite nucleus
    2. Chloroplast present. grass green colour
    3. Presence of starch
    4. Reproductive structure motile and flagella equal in length.
  3. Order –  Chaetophorales
    1. Plant body heterotrichous
    2. Distinct prostrate and erect systems present.
    3. Presence of setae
  4. Family – Coleochaetaceae
    1. Vegetative cells with long cytoplasmic hair (setae).
    2. Cells uninucleate
    3. Filaments branched
    4. Each cell with a single parietal and laminate chloroplast.
  5. Genus – Coleochaete
    1. Plant body multicellular.
    2. Thallus parenchymatous
    3. Presence of spermocarp.






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