Category: Fungi



    CLASSIFICATION OF PEZIZA Kingdom :- Mycota Division :- Eumycota Sub-division :- Ascomycotina Class :- Discomycetes Order :- Pezizales Family :- Pezizaceae Genus :- Peziza Peziza are seen growing on dung and on decaying wood, in damp places in rainy season.   STUDY OF VEGETATIVE STRUCTURE​   It is a common saprophyte growing on rich humus soils and decaying woods. Sometimes it becomes coprophilous (Le. grows on dung).…



    CLASSIFICATION OF PENICILLIUM (BLUE MOLD)​ Kingdom :- Mycota Division :- Eumycota Sub-division :- Ascomycotina Class :- Plectomycetes Order :- Eurotiales Family :- Eurotiaceae Genus :- Penicillium The Penicillium fungus can easily be found or grown on citrus and other fruits and on foodstuff. It generally grows in association with Aspergillus, but since it is a weak saprophyte it is dominated by Aspergillus.   STUDY OF VEGETATIVE STRUCTURE   The…



    CLASSIFICATION OF MORCHELLA (MOREL) Kingdom :- Mycota Division :- Eumycota Sub-division :- Ascomycotina Class :- Discomycetes Order :- Pezizales Family :- Helvellaceae Genus :- Morchella The fungal Morchella ascocarps can commonly be found in deciduous forests either in humus soil or on decaying wood, etc. In India, it is abundantly found in Kashmir and Kumaon hills. This is an edible fungus and is grown commercially.   STUDY OF VEGETATIVE…



    CLASSIFICATION OF RHIZOPUS (BREAD MOLD) Kingdom :- Mycota Division :- Eumycota Sub-division :- Ascomycotina Class :- Plectomycetes Order :- Erysiphales Family :- Erysiphaceae Genus :- Erysiphe The fungus is found as an ectoparasite on pea, wheat, cow pea, lathyrus, moong, urd, coriander, cumin, poppy, lady’s finger, cucurbits and barley which are cultivated allover India. The fungus would be readily identified by the white powdery covering on the…



    CLASSIFICATION OF COLLETOTRICHUM Kingdom :- Mycota Division :- Eumycota Sub-division :- Deuteromycotina Class :- Coelomycetes Order :- Melanconiales Family :- Melanconiaceae Genus :- Colletotrichum All the hosts of Colletotrichum are cultivated for their valuable edible products. Diseased plants can be collected from crop fields. Sugarcane is an important crop in U.P., Bihar, Punjab and parts of South India.   STUDY OF HOST, DISEASES AND SYMPTOMS​   Species…



    CLASSIFICATION OF CLAVICEPS Kingdom :- Mycota Division :- Eumycota Sub-division :- Ascomycotina Class :- Pyrenomycetes Order :- Sphaeriales Family :- Clavicipitaceae Genus :- Claviceps The Claviceps fungus can be collected from the cereals (especially rye), growing in the crop fields cultivated for their edible grains.   STUDY OF HOSTS, DISEASES AND SYMPTOMS​   The fungus is an obligate parasite. C. purpurea causes ergot disease of rye (Secale…



    CLASSIFICATION OF CERCOSPORA Kingdom :- Mycota Division :- Eumycota Sub-division :- Deuteromycotina Class :- Hyphomycetes Order :- Moniliales Family :- Dematiaceae Genus :- Cercospora The common  hosts for Cercospora are sugarbeet, tomato, potato, tobacco, ground nut and many others, listed above. Infection can be observed when these plants are well grown in the fields.   STUDY OF HOST, DISEASES AND SYMPTOMS​   Majority of the species of Cercospora are…



    CLASSIFICATION OF ASPERGILLUS Kingdom :- Mycota Division :- Eumycota Sub-division :- Ascomycotina Class :- Plectomycetes Order :- Eurotiales Family :- Eurotiaceae Genus :- Aspergillus Aspergillus can be grown on butter, bread, leather or any other similar substance in humid conditions. In rainy season, the fungus is commonly seen on shoes as black, yellow, brown or green dust.   STUDY OF HOSTS, DISEASES AND SYMPTOMS Most of the…



    CLASSIFICATION OF ASCOBOLUS Kingdom :- Mycota Division :- Eumycota Sub-division :- Ascomycotina Class :- Discomycetes Order :- Pezizales Family :- Pezizaceae Genus :- Ascobolus Ascobolus are seen growing on dung and on decaying wood, in damp places in rainy season.   STUDY OF VEGETATIVE STRUCTURE​   The fungus mostly grows on the dung of herbivores and is called coprophilous. A few species (A. carbonarius) grow on burnt…